Afsendt: | 01-10-2007 10:28:51 |
Afsender: | ebbe |
Email: | ebbe$amara.dk |
Emne: | Hvad en historie dog kan blive til |
Tekst: | Copying of DVDs, CDs verboten Se det havde været en nyhed, hvis det var rigtigt :-) der er tilsyneladende blot tale om regler, der svarer til hvad der gælder i Danmark i dag. Altså regler der - som stort set eneste effekt - i et begrænset omfang generer betalende brugere. The author does not report the facts. The law does not prohibit the copying of DVDs or CDs; it disallows the circumvention of anti-copying technologies like Macrovision et al., something that has been illegal in the US for a decade. The law specifically allows users to make backups of DVD and CD movies, software and music and other digital content for their own archives and to use/play on alternate devices (i.e., ripping movies to your hard drive to watch on a DVR or other device, ripping music to play on an ipod or other device, etc.). These specifically-named consumer rights are actually broader than those granted by law to American consumers. I am not sure what the author relied upon for his translation of the law, but I can assure you that it does nothing like what he suggests. Kommentar til artiklen af J. Terry. |