Afsendt: | 21-10-2006 13:43:55 |
Afsender: | Klaus K |
Email: | kk@dansermeddrenge.dk |
Emne: | Hey Rain ... |
Tekst: | Tak for dine ord. Måske kan du blive DmD's text-oversætter? Jeg ville blive glad for at kunne se din oversættelse ... kunne du maile den til mig? And BTW thank you for the bassline to "Vi skal nok få gjort en mand ud af dig". I have to admit though, that the bass itself (although in pinciple composed by KK) is played by the great danish bass-player. Jon Bruland. Check him out. He also plays the intro line in studio-version of "Er der nogen i himlen?" Højt humør Klaus K. |